Create & Paint Minis - Part 2

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Program Type:

Arts & Crafts

Age Group:

Junior High, High School

Program Description

Event Details

Welcome back, creative minds, to the continuation of your miniature-making journey! “Create & Paint Minis - Part 2” is where your custom-designed characters come to life in full color. In the first session, you designed and we ordered your unique miniatures through Hero Forge. Your creativity was the only limit as you crafted heroes, villains, or fantastical creatures of your own imagination.

Now that your 3D-printed models have arrived, it’s time to give them personality with a paint job. Whether you’re aiming for a realistic look or something more whimsical, this session is all about bringing your minis to life.
Materials Provided: No need to bring anything but your enthusiasm, as the Mokena Library will provide all the paints and tools necessary for you to create a masterpiece.

Remember, this program is a sequel to the first; only those who participated in “Create & Paint Minis - Part 1” can join this colorful adventure.

Get ready to dip your brushes and apply that finishing touch to your miniature companions. We can’t wait to see the vibrant personalities you’ll create! This is your chance to shine as a miniatures artist. See you at the painting tables!